Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Diana and the Sourdough Bread

My Aunt Diana told me I could post this one!

“What a good day for cooking.”
Diana said,
“I think I’ll make some
Sourdough bread.”

She measured and sifted
And stirred and beat,
Thinking how well
They all would eat.

Praising the mixture
To the skies
They sat around waiting
For it to rise.

A feeble bubble showed
And then
It died. She mixed
It all again.

Was it to cold
Do you suppose?
She warmed it up
And then it rose.

Of the starter dough
She took a cup
And after making the bread
She baked it up.

Jen grew thoughtful
After taking one bite
“Sourdough bread
And sour is right!”

On tasting it
All Kathy said was “Yuk!
May I please be excused
Before I up-chuck?”

Tom studied the bread
Upon his plate
“It isn’t the best
I ever ate.”

She laughed with them

And didn’t pout
When they asked her to pour
The starter out.

That evening in
The cheerful room
Diana alone
Seemed full of gloom.

The girls began to
Feel sad too.
Tom said, “Honey,
What’s troubling you?”

She sighed and said,
“If you must know
I feel I have murdered
The starter dough.”

“Oh no,” they all cried,
“It will live in the sea
Where the fish
Will feed on it bountifully!”

Next morning:
“Look down by the sewer!”
She heard them say,
“The sourdough has risen
And is heading this way!”