Love Song to the Sun
(After flora carbons)
(Spring 1991)
Your presence means life to me,
Your absence spreads dismal pall.
I seek you; come too me as I wait.
We’ll be together, nothing between us
One last time before my courage fails
I know it’s no fault of yours.
Funny, isn’t it? And isn’t it always so?
Others have caused our misery,
And now the truth separates us
And keeps us from our old familiar ways.
How can I live without you,
And yet how can we be together as we were?
Come nearer, I lift my face to your gentle touch,
You who I have loved, who melt my cares
Away and make me happy
Let your kisses be innocent as once it was
As you cover me one last time.
Oh, I know I’ll catch a glimpses of you
As I busy myself and think with downcast eyes
Of all the joy we knew
And never imagine I don’t love you still
And long for the old times when I was happy
And singing in your presence
But you can never touch me as you did
And I’ll be so unhappy as I avert my face
While walking by, always in the shadows.