Friday, May 2, 2008


Now for something a little lighter.... Here is a cute story Gram wrote about her dog, Twinkie!

Dirty Dog


I woke up to the number one most disgusting sound on earth, a loud slurping sound down where my dog nestled near my feet. I nudged her with my toe and fell back asleep.

Five minutes later I awoke to the number two most disgusting sound on earth, my dog gnawing her toenails. At my nudge, she flew into action, dancing all over the bed and walking up my body to sniff in my ear and rake her claws through my hair. It took a lot of energy to over power her and wrestle her down to a prone position. My heart was pounding as I tried to relax for a short nap.

I found myself bolt upright. She had gagged and picturing what might happen to my bed I was ready to pitch her off but she seemed to be O.K. so I lay back down. She stretched herself full length and rolled around groaning and snuffling, getting herself awake. I got up and hitched her outside.

I had gotten nicely settled back into my warm bed when she began to bark. In deference to the neighbors I got her back in the house.

By now it was almost time to get up so I dressed and prepared breakfast. I got her dog food ready for her and called but she didn’t come. Yes, she was back on my bed circled in a snug little ball with her eyes shut tight!

Dirty Dog!