Friday, May 30, 2008

Hannah in Her Garden

Both Gram and her good friend, Hannah, are gone now. I like to imagine them gardening in Heaven ~ making everything beautiful, lush and green.

Hannah’s in Her Garden

Hannah’s in her garden

With trowel in her hand

She makes the buds and blossoms grow

Just the way she planned.

Hear her tuneful whistle

Come drifting through the trees.

Her cap pulled low, she’s digging,

And down upon her knees.

Sunshine on her shoulders,

She loves the feel of sod;

The honey-bees and bird song

Reminding her of God.

Talking to her flowers,

Her hands amidst their roots

So gentle in their delving

Among their greening shoots.

Underneath the blue sky

She smells the pine and herb

And feels the sense of wonder

That nothing can disturb.

Hannah’s in her garden

And everything I fine,

When Hannah’s in her garden

And I’m in mine.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Great Spirit

(Fall 1998)

Let me come near and touch your face,

Then I will know that you are.

You made the world and I am in awe.

Incline to me.

Light the spark of my understanding.

Try me and test my strength.

Help me grow in spirit

And honor those who came before

And be fully the person you created.

When trials come, cover me and those I love

With your Word that will make us wise.

When I walk the path that narrows

Hold out your hand and I will come to where you are.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Junk Mail

My Gram was concerned about recycling even before it became fashionable!

Spring 1995

I recently gave a donation to my favorite charity. A short time later I received a letter stating that my donation was again due in the amount that I had originally given. Did I like it? I did not.

Nor do I like address labels, membership cards, ribbons, pins, pencils, pens, Easter cards, Christmas cards, stationary, window stickers, key rings, Sweepstakes, and you name it.

And please don’t thank me. Use the paper and postage to better advantage. I don’t like my address given to every Tom, Dick and Harry either.

Remember when we met the neighbors by collecting for charity?

But we are living in the real world. Please tell me that junk mail can be recycled. I could save a forest.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Listen to the Rain

I thought this was appropriate for a rainy New England Day:

Listen to the Rain

(October 23, 1999)

Listen to the rain, God.

Listen to the rain.

Isn’t it the best sound

When things are dry and sere?

You never sleep, God.

When I’m asleep in my warm bed

And I hear the rain on my roof

It brings me joy and my heart

Is no longer parched and dry.

All the furry creatures of the forests

Are in their nests

And you are sending rain.

God, thank you for the rain.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flying High

Fall 1989

This was the summer that Jeff buzzed the cottage. His plane would come out of no-where flying low and roar over and I’d go out and wave. Sometimes he’d tip his wings and sometimes would put on a real show; barrel rolls that seemed headed into the ground until Liz and I would cover our eyes. I remember one day the plane seemed as graceful as a ballet dancer as it reached up into the sky and turned and slipped over and down. He’d sometimes come over at dusk with his lights on. One night I was getting ready for bed; washing my face. The plane roared over and the face in the mirror grinned.

I went up with him a couple times; once over the campground where you could see how the ball ground has been cut out of the forest and the roofs of the cottages partly under the trees. Peter-Paul Church was very plain to see and all the roads winding every which way.

Another time I flew at dusk down to Portland where he practiced instrument landing and once landed on the landing strip and we watched a big jet zooming at take off. I was thrilled to see Portland from the air all lighted up like a Christmas tree. The sunset was fading into the night sky and a slight luminous fog was over all, and the moon began to be golden and the lights began to glow until it was like Christmas.

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Little Something for Mother's Day

My Gram had two daughters and three granddaughters. In honor of Mother's Day here is a poem that Gram wrote about me and my mother in 1995.

Mother and Daughter

(Winter 1995)

When I see them leaning

against each other,

Brown heads together, alike

as two peas,

Talking quietly and smiling –

My heart celebrates

and rings




Wednesday, May 7, 2008


(Winter 1995)

Lord who changed water to wine

at the wedding feast

Take my imperfect love for you

and make it whole.

Make it whole and magnify it.

Take it Lord, make it whole and

magnify and magnify –

Magnify it until there is enough

for all,

Where there is lack of love, let there

be plenty.

Let the disenfranchised abound in love.

Like the loaves and fishes, let there

be left-over love.

‘Till there is no fear, there is no hate

and our spirits love unhindered.

Let all be replete, satisfied and at peace.

Here is my imperfect love, Lord;

Make it whole and magnify it.

Make it whole, magnify.

Make it whole,

Make it whole.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Now for something a little lighter.... Here is a cute story Gram wrote about her dog, Twinkie!

Dirty Dog


I woke up to the number one most disgusting sound on earth, a loud slurping sound down where my dog nestled near my feet. I nudged her with my toe and fell back asleep.

Five minutes later I awoke to the number two most disgusting sound on earth, my dog gnawing her toenails. At my nudge, she flew into action, dancing all over the bed and walking up my body to sniff in my ear and rake her claws through my hair. It took a lot of energy to over power her and wrestle her down to a prone position. My heart was pounding as I tried to relax for a short nap.

I found myself bolt upright. She had gagged and picturing what might happen to my bed I was ready to pitch her off but she seemed to be O.K. so I lay back down. She stretched herself full length and rolled around groaning and snuffling, getting herself awake. I got up and hitched her outside.

I had gotten nicely settled back into my warm bed when she began to bark. In deference to the neighbors I got her back in the house.

By now it was almost time to get up so I dressed and prepared breakfast. I got her dog food ready for her and called but she didn’t come. Yes, she was back on my bed circled in a snug little ball with her eyes shut tight!

Dirty Dog!