Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Our Plans for 1973

Spring and Summer

Throw away the packing boxes
Pound a nail in the wall and hang a picture
Fill the bird bath
Plant strawberries
Paint a picture
Work in the herb garden
Learn a psalm
Cultivate roses
Cane a chair
Hear the whippoorwill
Notice as the sound of the night train approaches, whistles at the crossing and fades away
Write a letter
Follow an old stone wall
Visit a friend
Fill the cookie jar and invite a grandchild for a visit
Ride the bike
Watch for lady slippers
Take an interest in someone young
Listen to the rain on the leaves coming nearer
Sleep to the sound of rain on the roof
Feel the wind freshen
Wake up in time for the birds early morning chorus

Fall and Winter

Fill the bird feeders
Go apple picking
Bake bread and share it
Hook a rug
Finish Pilgrims Progress
Walk in the path of moonlight thru the Groce
Rake leaves
Play the auto harp and sing a hymn
Make a pot of tea
Write a poem
Gather rose hips and herb
Listen to the lonesome owl
Kindle a fire
Learn bird calls
Ask friends in
Cook a stew in the iron kettle in the fireplace
Shovel a path
Tell our young families how much we love them and how proud we are
Be very quiet and watch our pines fill up with snow